Ten Years in Business
Ten Years in Business
All-In-One Coin Counter, Sorter and Roll Wrapper
Economical and dependable, the KCS-2000 is a business grade coin counter, sorter, and wrapper. Easy to use and very effective when dealing with a lot of mix coins. Simply pour up to 2,000 coins into the large hopper and watch as the KCS-2000 counts and sorts them into appropriate bins or into preformed wrappers.
Operating at a speed of 300 coins a minute the machine accurately counts and sorts your coins while displaying the total value counted along with the quantity of each coin type on the screen during the count. Built to support US currency, the KCS-2000 counts Dollar coins, Quarters, Nickels, Dimes, and Pennies. Allowing for a bin capacity of 900 Dimes, 450 Nickels, 350 Quarters, 300 Pennies, and 130 Dollar coins.
Versatile in functionality the machine comes with bins when sorting is needed and coin tubes for easy batching into preformed wrappers. With the One-Touch tube batch setting technology, simply place the wrapper into the tube, press and hold the “+” button then start and watch the tubes fill up, the machine will automatically stop when a denomination reaches its designated wrapper capacity. Customize your batch settings so you can use both the coin bins and coin tubes at the same time, making coin rolls for some denominations while other coins are sorted into bins.